Friday, August 30, 2013

30th Birthday and a 1/2 Marathon!!!

Yesterday was my 30th birthday, something that I really haven't been looking forward too...but I decided that I was going to make the best of it and run a 1/2 marathon on my Birthday!! Wow, what a great accomplishment to another the start of another decade!

Run Recap -

I got up at 4:45am yesterday with the intentions of trying to be on the road by 5:15-5:30. I wanted to be done before my son went off to school. I got up and got ready, had a little peanut butter (I'm not a huge breakfast person so I wanted to get a little something in my stomach), and I was off by 5:07! Boy was it dark when I left too. It was fine running on the streets in town because of the street lights but there was about .25 miles of my run (on each lap) that was on more of a back road where there were no street lights and just corn fields on both sides. Wow, that was a little creepy not being able to see 3 feet in front of you at that time in the morning! My biggest fear is having a mountain lion come out of the fields. I tried to get through the darkest part as quickly as possible and just focused on running as much as I could and not freaking myself out.

I did a 3 full loops around the East side of Holdrege. Each loop was 4 miles. Around mile 3 I got the feeling like I was just gliding along which felt awesome. I didn't have and problems with my calf or legs while I was running so I was really happy about that!

On my second loop around I ran past the house to change out my water belt for a water bottle so I could have more water on the rest of my run. I was getting a little tired at this point...I was just about 8 miles into my run but knew that I only had one full lap left to complete and then once that lap was done I only had a mile left to go.

It was finally starting to get light around this time so my .25 miles that was complete darkness previously was lighted now which was a nice change. I finished my last loop and hit 12 miles and boy was that last 1.1 miles rough!! I was close to the house at this point again but I still had to get the last part of my run in, I really had to push through it and remind myself that it was just a little over 10 more minutes of running...what's 10 minutes when you've already run over 2 hours!!

I pushed through it and got home and hit 13.10 miles!!! I finished in 2 hours and 20 minutes! I was very happy with my time and the fact that I completed the run. I got home in time to see Ethan before we walked him to school.

I am very proud of myself for setting this goal and completing it, especially since I have only been running for just shy of 3 months!! Here is my post run picture, loving it!!

Hoping to get a recovery run in sometime today of at least a mile (to continue my streak as well)...I'm pretty sore this morning, especially behind my left knee!! I'm pretty sure I need to get this shirt as well, I love it!! =)

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